Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Mig, you need to chill. Of course all Americans didnt want it. There is very little All Americans are for or against. Take civil rights in the '60's or minimum age in the '30's. The only thing on which there is a 90 % consensus is on gun registration, and the NRA and wingholes in congress stopped it.

Well I see you believe obama when he made the 90% reference, well there is a problem as I see it when it comes to this supposed 90%. If 90% of americans supported it as you and obama claim then it would make sense that it would have passed by overwhelming numbers, as the senators who voted against it would have voted in favor of it as they would not have been worried about losing in the next election. Unless you're going to try and tell me that all the senators who voted against it would be worried by the 10% who was against it.

yeah the NRA was instrumental in getting it blocked but I'm sure all the people who contacted their respective senators urging them to vote against this which I did with both of my senators was just as instrumental. Oh wait let me guess just the 10% opopsed to it contacted their senators right.

Simple fact is background checks will never work as the people they are designed to stop will NEVER go through the proper channels in the first place.