I wish people would stop calling the Baltimore BGF an offshoot! They are not an off shoot. If one would take some time and look into the history of BGF in Baltimore one would find that the founders of BGF in Baltimore had a direct link to the BGF in California. Over time the some of the BGF in Baltimore began to drift away from the original BGF ideology,(as did some BGF members in California) and replaced the Black militancy with gangsterism.

There are members in Baltimore BGF who use Swahili names. Again if one would just do a little research one would come discover that the BGF in Baltimore is also know by the name La Eusi Jamaa which is Swahili for The Black Family

When one speaks of the "California BGF" it must be noted that within the California Prison System BGF isn't one solid faction they have also broken off into factions. Some factions still hold on the Black Militancy where others are just gangsters more or less.