Alright damn it. Im bored as fuck so ill address this from a different perspective.

I will speak for Ny (even tho my location says nj, 90% of nj guys belong to a ny family). In regards to the argument over the term "crew"... I have heard two different usages for the term crew involving NY guys... One is a captain's "crew". This includes Soldiers (Madeguys) and Associates. Another is what is referred to as the group of guys who are under the Soldier/Made Guy. This also gets into the debate over associates. The FBI will call someone an associate if they eat dinner with a made guy... If they sell the made guy coke... If they arre a relative to a made guy... If they are one of two hundred agents that operate under a connected sportsbook. The feds are lying hypocrits who do this to inflate their numbers and justify their paychecks. If they catch one connected guy who sells weed and ten of his customers, they say "11 Gambino Associates arrested for running million dollar drug trafficking ring"... On the street, in NY, a REAL associate is considered someone who is "on the record" or "under" a made guy. A soldier has no limit on the number of guys he can claim. He can claim his father, his brother, his cousins, his in laws, his best friends, his neighbor, his business partner, his bartender, his drug dealer, someone who owes him money, whatever.. It can be 2 guys or 20 under a made guys flag. I dont know how they are counted in chicago. The soldier tells the captain so and sos with me, and hes officially an associate. The feds multiply the number of soldiers they have by 10 and say whatever like 1000 or something.... Basically captains have crews of soldiers, soldiers have crews of associates, and associates can have crews of there own guys if they have enough leadership. I consider someone to be connected when theyre actually with a crew. But some people will call a guy connected if he buys coke from a connected guy so it varies.

When it comes to gambling, some books have THOUSANDS of agents. A famous example, Pennacle.Connected as fuck. Bonannos and Westside both have hooks into that group. Penny (and affiliated groups) have thousands of agents up and down the east coast... Some packages are completely run by connected guys. Big package holder in the bronx...Made guy, under him connected guys/associates. But does that make EVERY AGENT an associate of organized crime? I can say this about 3 other books not quite the size of Penny but still up there. Big ass books-run 100% by a NY crime family... But would that make like 10,000 associates? Theres a double standard to this shit and the government never plays fair. And another thing i must say is, Ivy doesnt have opinions. He has his mind set. 100% that whatever he reads online is right and there is no evidence that will change his opinion. Ive talked with him for months. He cant help it. He asks me for what i say on a few things and if i reply with something that doesnt match the majority evidence he presents whatever documents he has and says "this says so and so as official captain, there fore based on... " you know how he is.. Hes not really saying im a liar or anything, and its a little off putting at first but its just how he is. I dont hold it against him, but he sticks to his guns and wont stray from the facts that are presented before him. Im not here for a popularity contest, if you dont believe what i have to say you can fuck yourself with bowie knife, i dont care, i know what i know. Life is too short to argue about the size of the mafia. Take care my friends.