Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
First, a guy like Prager has more brains than a partisan, meme-posting hack like you will ever have. Try listening to the guy before running your mouth.

Second, as I pointed out above, when he calls it "Prager University," he doesn't mean a literal university.

Third, while I don't necessarily doubt that there are Christian/Bible teachings interwoven in some of the classes of some Southern colleges, for you to argue that most public universities don't have a huge liberal slant shows how non-objective I've always believed you to be.

No need to get personal. But since you did, then its my turn now.

I have listened to the guy, and he is a neoconservative nut job just like you. Period. Anybody that doesnt believe me then Google him yourself.

More brains than me? He is an educated guy, doesnt mean the crap he spouts is right. I am probably one of the most educated and accomplished individuals on this board (no offense to others). Definitely more than you that's for sure. Now go run along and play with the rest of your brainwashed cult.

Partisan meme posting hack? This from the guy who continues to be bashed and hated as the biggest FBI crime report mouthpiece to have ever graced any of these forums.

Prager University or whatever he wants to call it. As far as I am concerned, its lower than an online scam like the Univ. of Phoenix or the Church of LDS.

I didnt distinguish between public or private universities. That comment dealt with private institutions. They dont have a HUGE liberal slant, and that is a fact.

Non-objective?The vast majority on these forums would say I am one of the most non-objective posters on here. Much more than you, you don't even have one iota of objectivity in you which is evident any time you discuss anything to do with politics or society.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.