Originally Posted By: BordertownResident
Originally Posted By: southend
This is what your idols Los Zetas do for a living

"They will cut off your leg with a kitchen knife and laugh about it while you suffer in agony! I mean how many gangsters will go out dieing in a shootout with the authorites for their organization and aren't afraid to face them in close quarter shootots. You have to some really big balls to what these guys do."

I don't know man, these guys don't impress me. To me these are animals and cowards, pure scum. Certainly not the kind of gangsters with big balls I used to look up to I know that.

I was just kidding about them slicing up your leg while you scream in agony. They're cold but they're not cowards in my opinion. They won't do make you suffer in agony but will keep punishing you until you fold or make you soft and then stop but then again I have never seen a video of them torturing people till they die in agony. A large part of their membership or man power are teenagers and young adults, but that doesn't mean they are tougher than your average mobster. If that's what you want to hear. All of the gangster around the world are scum and will always be. Hell given the chance I bet most mobsters will cut your head off if they could get away with it.

Beheading someone is one of the gruesome shock-tactics that has been going on for centuries. Hence, almost every ethnic organized crime group has used beheading for shock. Most just don't actually film it lol. And the amount of beheadings that goes on in Mexico is nothing short of insane.
I have a pretty strong stomach, but those beheading videos shock the hell out of me. I hate those clips, but you know what they say: curiosity killed the cat.