The stuff the guy is saying about Syria doesn't make sense. The UK Government and the guy both support the Salafi jihadist in Syria. Yes, despite the blowback, the scores of dead from 9/11 and the bus bombings in London a few years ago the US and UK Government continues to support these Muslim thugs in many of places. They also continue to allow these types of people to continue to immigrate to their lands. The Muslims bare a lot of the responsibility too. Muslims shouldn't be immigrating to the West, Islam and liberal Western democracies are incompatible. It isn't the traditional Muslim world producing these people, it is our liberal Western democracies. These Muslims don't really fit in, so they embrace the most fundamentalist teachings of Islam. You mix these young Muslims with fundamentalist crap on the Internet, and the "woe is me" stuff they learn in their liberal schools you get a combustible mix. So don't write these guys off as some nutters who just "went off" one day. These guys are a product of rotten system, a system that isn't natural, but forced.