Shot machete man's 'soldiers are targets' view shocked caller

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Security services knew Woolwich men
A caller to the BBC's radio station for London listened to one of the men shot by police in Woolwich exhorting people to go to Syria to fight, he says.

The man then told the audience outside a community centre in Plumstead it may not be necessary to go "because their soldiers are here".

Abdullah, who spoke on condition his first name only was used, told BBC London 94.9 he would speak to police.

He told the man his views were contrary to the teachings of Islam.

'Success is closer'
In the interview he said he recognised the man seen on the television with bloodied hands as the same man who addressed their meeting two weeks ago.

He had urged people at the meeting to go to Syria to fight, he said.

He then said 'We may not have to go there because their soldiers are here', said Abdullah, 37.

He had added: "Success is closer than you think."

Abdullah, who would occasionally see the man he knew as Mujahid in Lewisham, said he was so disturbed by what he said on 10 May that he spent a long time arguing with him saying that his views were opposed by Islamic teachings.

He told BBC London: "He said he would blow himself up even if my family was there. He said to me 'It's their government. They wanted them in. They are responsible'."

Abdullah added: "These people are so deluded that even Muslims aren't safe.

"The frightening thing is that there are more of them out there."