Are there any Democrats on this Board?
You all seem so devoted to your beloved Bush!
I have seen and enjoyed Bowling For Columbine and Farenheit 9/11 but neither I nor anybody I know accepts everthing Moore says as fact as his films and opinions are so blatently biased and exaggerated. And yet so many Americans are outraged by Moore's films.
Any Taoisech (Prime Minister) in Irish history could be slated and mocked in a similar fashion and would find few followers as adamant as Bush's in defending every petty criticism he receives in the press and rejecting any suggestions that Bush is anything but a perfect being!
Perhaps you have all succumbed to Republican/Bush propaganda!

"Leave the gun. Take the cannolis.

"We're all gonna be three little Fonzies - and what was Fonzie?!", "Cool?", "Correct-a-mundo!"

- Jules and Yolanda, Pulp Fiction