@Scorsese - Ducarme is out confirmed 100%. Word on the street hiding in his mansion about an hour outside Montreal. He was only in for parole violation. After his cousin Lamartine Severe Paul and Chenier Dupuy were murdered he lost a lot of backup. Those guys were his street bosses. Apparently Dupuy slapped Wooley at a summit to unite the street gangs then slapped out a member of Wooleys puppet club the Syndicate. They were both murdered shortly after. Wooley is a huge force inside and out. First black Hell's Memember and only got to get gangsterism charges twice in Canada. He is the charismatic leader type. I heard he has achieved his plan to unite the street gangs and took out his only obstacles. Lamartine and Chenier were huge underworld figures and to see them go scared a lot of street gang members from rebelling all they want really is to make money and with Wooley they will make the most. Wooley would have had a serious problem if he didn't take care of that quickly.

@mike68 - I heard Magi is out and about but minimally and with 6-7 bodyguards at all times in 2 armored SUV's. He has a lot of money through real estate and legal money. He was never known to do anything illegal really. He was partners with Rizzuto JR on many real estate developments.

@Dwalin2011 - I'm pretty sure the hitmen will get theres if they haven't already...

Rizzuto got hit hard because all his shot callers were in or still are in prison. His dad was practically retired and he was pushing his son towards more legit enterprises. You're talking guys like Francseco Del Balso, Lorenzo Giordano, Arcadi, Sollecito, and the list goes on. When all these guys get out in the next 2-3 years its going to be super mayhem because they all lost family and soldiers as well and they will also want their revenge. There is still a sleeping giant in Montreal.