Ivy, Doesn't it seem strange to you that at least 3 other knowledgeable people from Chicago two of whom have relatives in the Outfit have told you the same God damn thing? if it's so important to you that the rat infested Colombo Family has a bigger Dick than the Chicago Outfit and will be around a lot longer,and that the structure of Chicago is exactly like new York, then so be it. I don't fucking care what you think because you never lived in it like me. I don't even like the fucking Oufit. all it did was bring misery to some of my relatives. They are generally not nice people. You are naïve and living in a dream world written in a fucking book by some guys who are struggling to understand what they're dealing with. if the Feds said Donald Trump was the Top Boss in the Outfit, you would argue that point until you were in your grave because YOU READ IT IN A BOOK. THE GUY WHO WROTE THE BOOK NEVER LIVED IT. I AM ASKING YOU POLITELY TO NOT TALK TO ME ABOUT THE OUTFIT ANYMORE. Thank You.