Yes. Each regular Crew is structured the same way. What do I mean by regular crew? That would be each Crew that is not the Top Boss's Crew. His Crew is a lttle different. A regular Crew is structured in this way in the Outfit: Boss, Underboss, Made Men, soldiers. The associates are not members of the Crew but instead are all the people who are connected to the crew for business purposes. For example: a couple made men oversee a bookmaking franchise under the Boss and Underboss, the soldiers work the phones and do some collections, the associates are all the 25% street agents who have all the players and receive a commission on all the bets placed with the office. I know it's a little complicated, But I hope this helps give an example. There are also HIGH LEVEL Associates who do business with the Boss or underboss or made guy not on the street level.

Last edited by elmwoodparker; 05/20/13 07:25 PM.