Chicago never had a making Ceremony years ago. So, according to you, Ricca, Accardo, Giancana, Battaglia, Bucciere etc. and all the old Outfit guys were not made. Chicago made people THEIR OWN WAY. THEY DIDN'T CARE HOW NEW YORK MADE THEIR PEOPLE, WHICH WAS EVERYBODY AND THEIR BROTHER. Lombardo never went though that ceremony but neither did ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE MENTIONED ABOVE. He said he wasn't made because HE DID NOT WANT TO GO TO PRISON. You just don't get it. Please stop talking about Chicago because you're embarassing yourself. Seriously, Just stick to New York. The Outfit has presently more than 28 made guys, over a hundred soldiers and several hundred associates. Soldiers and associates are two different things in Chicago. Please stick to New York and shut the fuck up about Chicago.