Traditional Organized Crime in Chicago is mostly a thing of the past. That was the author's statement which must have made Ivy happy since it's his mission in life to prove somehow, someway, that the Outfit is basically a thing of the past and the 5 New York Families are more powerful than God. Well, the author is not all wrong. However, He is not all correct either because he doesn't understand HOW the Outfit has changed. The Loan Sharking Racket is different because now things are put up as collateral instead of only a guys eyeballs. Bookmaking still is widespread and largely controlled by the Outfit. However, what's changed is that when a bettor can't pay he is cut off which really hurts the compulsive gambler. in addition, many times the money is now put up front instead of only by credit. Also, the offshore bookmaking is partially controlled by the Outfit which is basically legit. Poker machines in themselves are not illegal and are around Chicago. The Outfit simply doesn't use violence to eliminate any competition. The local police simply close down the individual who has a non Outfit poker machine or the Outfit ignores the competition. What Mike Sarno did years ago (Bombing) was stupid and not sanctioned by DiFronzo. That's why he was basically on his own with his legal troubles. There's plenty of Union & City Activity going on in Chicago involving Bids concerning construction, Office Cleaning etc. which are legit and more like white collar organized Crime. Is old traditional Organized Crime almost dead in Chicago. No, it's just changed and also evolved into more of a white collar way of doing it.