Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Ivy come on. Since when is it bad for a mother to work? A have a friend who's mother worked for bank of America and his dad stayed at home and took care of the household. Explain to me why that's bad. Women can be breadwinners there's no reason for them not to strive for it, by the same token plenty choose to stay at my home like my own mom. But let me tell you ivy that makes her no less equal than my dad. To say "that's the way it should be" is absolutely absurd. I called out afs on her crap, im going to call you out on this.

This isn't the fifties anymore. The man doesn't always work, the woman doesn't always and doesn't have to stay in the household. It's being oversimplistic and stereotypical. Gender roles are there, I'm not saying we toss them out. But we shouldn't let them constrict us and confine us

Women becoming the main breadwinner in the family is becoming increasingly common in our society. More women than men have graduated from US colleges with bachelor’s degrees in every year since 1982, and the same is true for all college degrees (associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degrees). For the class of 2012, women earned 61.7% of all associate’s degrees, 56.9% of all bachelor’s degrees, 59.6% of all master’s degrees, and 52.1% of all doctor’s degrees. Overall, there were 141 women graduating with a college degree at some level in 2012 for every 100 men. This is from the Dept of Education.

Our society has become one that increasingly requires two adults making an income to sustain and prosper. Personally, I know of tons of couples who both work but the woman earns more than the man. These are all white collar professionals (lawyers, doctors, wall street, etc). Sure it might have pissed the man off back in the day (and it still does bother a few) that he earns less than his wife. But you grow to accept and encourage the success of your spouse, as you should. The vast majority of women who become professionals (I have encountered quite a few) are no-nonsense and work their butts off much more than their male counterparts to continually strive to better themselves.

There was an article a while back in the WSJ about the increasing number of men in our country who are stay at home dads while the wife is the main breadwinner in the family. Many of the dads that are in this situation were at first embarrassed but have grown to become accustomed and grateful to stay at home and raise their children,given that traditionally this hasn't been the norm. There are tons of men who would rather stay at home anyway.

I say it all comes down to each individual case. If both spouses want to work and raise a child, they should have that right and should make every effort to accommodate each others career aspirations while ensuring a proper upbringing for their kids (whether they decide to use a nanny or share the household duties, etc). If one spouse wants to be the stay at home parent, then thats fine as well. Each couple should be able to make their own choice.

Last edited by Dapper_Don; 05/19/13 09:21 PM.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.