Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
First, there's no sugar coating these "Walk Away Moms." A mom who abandons her family is just evil, plain and simple.

Second, there's no need to start changing terms or doing away with Father/Daughter dances. The traditional family makeup of a father, mother, and children is the best (i.e. superior to all the rest) and should be encouraged by society.

Third, a woman simply making a "choice" doesn't mean it's inherently good. That's the same language twisting that's been done with abortion. Supporters of it, in an attempt to change the topic from what's happening to the baby, argue it's a good thing because they support "choice." By the same token, a women choosing to work outside the home isn't a good thing if it takes away from her role as a wife and mother. And it often does.

Fourth, even though both a husband and father may work outside the home, the balance should always be towards the husband being the main breadwinner and the wife taking care of the duties at home. Adjustments may need to be made according to individual situations but, generally speaking, that's the way it should be. Contrary to liberal, secular, social re-engineering bullshit, gender roles are a good thing and have long been there for a reason.

Fifth, Western Europe continues to be a bellwether for the destructive changes we are and will continue to see here in the U.S.

Sixth and finally, afsaneh77, you need help. Plain and simple.

Ivy come on. Since when is it bad for a mother to work? A have a friend who's mother worked for bank of America and his dad stayed at home and took care of the household. Explain to me why that's bad. Women can be breadwinners there's no reason for them not to strive for it, by the same token plenty choose to stay at my home like my own mom. But let me tell you ivy that makes her no less equal than my dad. To say "that's the way it should be" is absolutely absurd. I called out afs on her crap, im going to call you out on this.

This isn't the fifties anymore. The man doesn't always work, the woman doesn't always and doesn't have to stay in the household. It's being oversimplistic and stereotypical. Gender roles are there, I'm not saying we toss them out. But we shouldn't let them constrict us and confine us

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone