Originally Posted By: klydon1
This inalysis reflects the typical, baseless tempest in a teapot. Categorizing these things, most of which are trivial and misleading, as a war on gender is laughable.

If Harvard wants to show a modicum of respect to one of its employees by refraining from a gender-based pronoun, so be it. It can't stop all of those, who have their panties in a ball over transgenders, from slinging whatever name they want at her. Not calling the transgender "he" or "she" is no crazier than calling Prager's collection of videos a "university."

Catholic Charities was receiving public funds for its adoption services, and therefore are obligated not to discriminate unlawfully in its placement services. It could continue to operate without public funds, but voluntarily suspended adoption services in order to keep the pipelines of public money flowing.

There had been litigation in Illinois as well alleging that Catholic Charities also discriminated on the basis of race and marital status.

I don't buy the line that supporting marriage equality for gays is leading to the result that "gender is insignificant." It is certainly significant to those, who are getting married, gay or straight, and they're the ones, whose opinions matter.

So much nonsense here only a lawyer could come up with this. Where to begin?

Those are just some examples of an overall growing trend - the minimization of the differences between men and women. And it's very much a tempest. Without such changing attitudes, which believe there's no real difference between the sexes, we would never have seen the issue of gay marriage even come up; much less legalized in a dozen states now.

Likewise, it's these same changing attitudes that consider it improper for Catholic charities to not favor a father and mother couple over a homosexual one, despite that familial makeup being clearly superior.

As for "Prager University," it's obviously not meant literally. Prager uses that term because many of our universities today have become, in his words, left-wing seminaries where brainwashing, more than education, is the order of the day.

For you to draw some kind of comparison between Prager's play on words, and calling a man a "woman" or a woman a "man," is absurd.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.