Roemer was an Outfit wannabe. His book focused way too much on himself and his imaginary lover, Tony Accardo. He didn't like Sam Giancana, Sam DeStefano & Tony Spilotro because they weren't afraid of him and basically told him to go fuck himself right to his face. Because of that, he distorts the truth about these men for a PERSONAL reason. Sam Giancana never took orders from Accardo. He did not understand the structure of the Outfit at all. He said the Outfit had 300 made guys in the 1960's! He's crazy. Nowhere near that number. Maybe 75 guys and 225 soldiers. even that seems a bit high. I guess he was counting all the soldiers as made guys and thought the structure was like New York. I personally hated his books and didn't think they were as accurate as they should be. He also said Sam DeStefano was not made because he was too crazy to be made. Roemer got this information from DeStefano himself. Of Course DeStefano was going to say he wasn't made. What did Roemer expect? DeStefano would have tortured and killed Roemer had Giancana & Ricca told him to do so. Dyno (DeStefano) would have enjoyed every minute of it. Dyno killed his own brother because of drugs. Giancana gave him the okay and he did it. DeStefano was a very dangerous man. He was 100% made and belonged to Ricca & Giancana. They also financed his huge Loan Sharking Franchise.