Originally Posted By: thebigfella
Today is not ur day jordsta, ur wrong again, read before typing

Where am I wrong? Giuliani was just as anti mafia as anyone else dwalin listed - he has the past of convicting mafiosi:
- 18 in the Pizza Connection case;
- 3 bosses - if you would call Salerno a boss (Salerno ("Frontboss" whilst Chin took a step back from a few activities), Persico, & Corallo)

The list goes on, there's two examples. I'm not wrong. He's definitely legal-made guy material lol.

I'm assuming that's where you're saying I'm wrong, or you're shooting down my opinion on who'd make a good street boss. Hell it doesn't matter.

Last edited by jordsta; 05/19/13 06:32 AM.