This is a subject that has become my new calling in life. This pat Wed. my father was given the gift of life because someone was selfless enough to donate their organs to others. My dad had pulmonary fibrosis and was going to die without a lung transplant. We got the call this past Wed. that a lung was a match for him. Organ donation rules dictate that one year must pass before the donors identity can be made known, and that is if their family is willing. Allow me to tell you what I do know about this anonymous donor. In addition to my father receiving one lung, there was a a lady at the same hospital who received the other. In addition to them receiving lungs, their was a young man at the same hospital who received the donated heart. That is three people at one hospital who were given the gift of life. There is no telling how many people at other hospitals will receive a needed organ because this one hero gave their organs to others. I beg you, if you are not already an organ donor please become one now. There is no telling how many lives you may save by giving your unneeded organs to others.

Last edited by GoldenEagle; 05/19/13 10:23 AM.