Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
That woman ran out on her kids. Not because of a demanding, husband, but because she didn't want to responsibility of raising her kids. That's disgraceful. Also when I was growing up, my dad worked and my mom was the stay at home. Not once did she ever complain about taking care of the house and my brothers, and she was a damn good mom, and I love her for what she did. Did that somehow make her inferior to my dad who worked his ass off to provide for everyone? No of course not. It also doesn't make my dad a slob who told my mother "to stifle herself" or "make me dinner". He was always there for me and my brothers. My mom chose to stay at home when she had me, though she had a career of her own at the time. My dad carried on with his company and became a success. It's just how it worked. It was an equal partnership plain and simple.

Not to say there aren't other families that have the opposite dynamic. One of my best friends had a stay at home and a working mother. It doesn't really matter in the long run. But you're notion of women still being mistreated heavily in this country is utter nonsense.

See, you make stuff up that I never said. That's a straw-man argument. I said look at the data provided by that article. It's not just that woman walking out. There are many. And she as well thinks that it could be because women do more the house chores on top of their jobs, so it gets to them.

I never said a woman who is a happy housewife is stupid or inferior. So not sure why are you trying to make up arguments for me and then refute your own made up argument. rolleyes If a woman is happy with staying at home dynamic, or doesn't mind doing the house work on top of her day job, so be it.

I said there are still plenty of women, who have to do all the work, because if they leave it to men, it probably never gets done. So they do it. Doesn't mean they are happy about it. Society blames them if the kids are not taken care of, if the house is messed up. It's expected of them to do it, even if they have a full time job. This is abusing women in my book.

And then you see people objecting to gay marriage because it further vanishes the gender roles. This is when it hits a nerve. Now, they don't want to see other men do house work or raise kids.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones