Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Okay that's one example of a mom booking it. Just so you know that's not the norm. Can you name anyone else? Thought not. Again, this proves to me you don't know jack squat

This is not just one example. The data provided by article shows a trend. Also, it states that still most of the house works are done by women. So do not tell me it aint so.

That woman ran out on her kids. Not because of a demanding, husband, but because she didn't want to responsibility of raising her kids. That's disgraceful. Also when I was growing up, my dad worked and my mom was the stay at home. Not once did she ever complain about taking care of the house and my brothers, and she was a damn good mom, and I love her for what she did. Did that somehow make her inferior to my dad who worked his ass off to provide for everyone? No of course not. It also doesn't make my dad a slob who told my mother "to stifle herself" or "make me dinner". He was always there for me and my brothers. My mom chose to stay at home when she had me, though she had a career of her own at the time. My dad carried on with his company and became a success. It's just how it worked. It was an equal partnership plain and simple.

Not to say there aren't other families that have the opposite dynamic. One of my best friends had a stay at home and a working mother. It doesn't really matter in the long run. But you're notion of women still being mistreated heavily in this country is utter nonsense.

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone