Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
just stop it! the whole "highschool is filled with too much preesure" line of reasoning is nothing more than an excuse to justify shit, be it bad behavior or trying to mold the world into some silly, unrealistic utopia. guess what, life is full of pressure, and trying to eliminate it all does nothing but create a generation of emotionally weak, entitled people who are under the false impression that everything is going to be fair. like i have already stated, many are unable to handle the truth when faced with reality, and society always bares the brunt of this.

as far as your justification for the father daughter dance, heh. some people don't have fathers, some mothers. some people don't have legs, some people money, health ect, we could go on all day. the silly reasoning that we can somehow try and accommodate everyone is wishful thinking at best, but in reality its delusional and crazy! are you really so naive that you believe that changing the name would help people feel more comfortable? what about when they are at the dance and see everyone dancing with their dads, what then? why not just put a paper bag over everyone's head so that way nobody knows anything? anybody not wearing the bag should be kicked out and fined, with the proceeds going to the land of make believe fund for equality! wink

Yes, life is unfair, is harsh, is not a utopia. Doesn't mean we have to make it worse. We could make it more inclusive. It doesn't kill us to do so.

Anyhow, I was wondering, is there a son mother dance as well? And if not why?

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones