PB, you could be as cruel as you like. I wouldn't mind it. This is the exact reaction women activists get when they state this matter over here. It's interesting to see you get the same reaction from American men as well. They rip you apart, call you bitter, and the rest of the nonsense. You could patronize me all you want, that's my observation of the American families. And I read an article recently to back it up:

Why there are more walk-away moms

On the father daughter dance, no one is trying to deny you the pleasure of dancing with your daughter. But high school is cruel enough, without all these social pressures. If they change it to dance with your parent event, it's more inclusive and less heartbreaking for those who have lost their father. I know if I didn't have a father for such an event, I would've been very heartbroken.

And thanks for immigration advice. I'm not planning to move anyway. The grass always seems to be greener on the other side, but I'm strangely happy here.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones