Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
You're picturing Saudi Arabia. Iran actually has a rather long history of liberalism going back to the early 20th century, and arguably before then. And you do realize, that the Iranian revolution, which put the current regime in power, happened partly due to the US helping overthrow a democratically elected government in favor of a puppet monarchy right? It's not their fault they're now under Islamic theocracy, as they actually tried to continue social and governmental liberalism progress after the Constitutional Revolution and Mossadegh era, and then tried again recently as few years ago. Remember 1906?! 1953? 1979.

Thanks Frank for clarifying that.

BTW, for those interested to see pictures of Iran, especially that of what women wear as their covering, I refer you to the photoblog of a photographer from NY who has traveled here. There are many pictures from people of Iran. Check out the women. Hijab could be as loose as this.

This is a gal from my hometown:

More here: http://www.humansofnewyork.com/tagged/iran

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Amazing that all the men are the ones who think we've made progress. Yes, we have. Women get careers, too, in addition to the house and the kids.

I went back to work outside the home when my youngest was 9 months old. I was primarily responsible for the house, the meals, the kids, their schoolwork, the bills, the food shopping, the laundry, PLUS I was Vice President of a local non-profit.

I have to say that my husband did what he could, but his commute was 52 miles each way and mine was 6. Why would the school call him to come pick up the kids if they were sick when he was over an hour away and I was 10 minutes away? But it was more than that, because I have lots of friends with children and most of them worked when the kids were little, and most of them were the primary caregivers and kept the homes.

Add all that to the fact that we also get "working mother's guilt" (why don't father's feel guilty?), and it's still fairly unbalanced in many homes.

Thanks SB. I was hoping you weigh in. In the issue of social equality, I see men talk the talk, but then at their own home, they seldom walk the walk.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones