Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
I personally have nothing against changing gender ROLES, but when politicians in France forbid to use words "father" and "mother" in official documents and when father-daughter dances are forbidden just because some people consider them not politically correct enough, do you put such people into the "sane" category? Don't they really have anything else to do?

Please don't make stuff up. France didn't forbid the use of term mother and father, they changed it to "parents" to simplify the legal language and make it regardless of the sex of the parents, so that it would include homosexual parents.

Personally, I don't think it is such a great idea to have a father daughter dance. So how about those who have lost their fathers or don't have one to begin with? Can't they dance with their mother? Why do you have to remind them that they are different? All these social pressures to conform to a certain family pattern is what is insane. I think it is important to have male and female influences in the lives of all the children. But then there are relatives and teachers from both sexes for that matter.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones