Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Iraq was an honest typo. I know you live in Iran. As far as the burqa-hijab mixup, I apologize, but I think you get my point. So I'll corrrect myself. The women in your country would trade in their hijab for a frying pan in a heartbeat.

But by posting "it's still like that in America," you're implying that we've made zero progress. It's also beyond ignorant to imply that the only differnce between Alabama and Iran is "taking off your scarf." If you could have stayed here, you would have. Any sane person would.

My main beef is that you're saying that we've made no progress, and I'm saying that we have. We've made a lot of progress, and it's not just in the big cities. You're propagating the southern-redneck stereotype in saying that we haven't.

Your problem is that you got to see very small part of America for a very short time period, and your envy of the freedoms of American women is very transparent. Don't get me wrong. I don't blame you. What sane oppressed woman wouldn't be envious?

I could've gotten married and stayed, just like anyone else that does so. Then I would've probably had to do all that I listed. lol So put me under insane.

Anyway, don't put words in my mouth. Obviously there are people who are scared of gender role changes. And my post was toward them, otherwise why should they be worried about disappearance of gender roles?

And please put me under disappointed to see there are still people in the US that hate their freedom so much, they want to oppress women, homosexuals, minorities, etc.

You're seriously going to compare social issues in America to Iran? Come on don't bullshit us

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