Gang try to sell video of ‘mayor smoking crack’

Evidence ... Toronto Mayor Rob Ford with Anthony Smith, left, who was killed in a gangland shooting
Published: 7 hrs ago

A CITY Mayor has been secretly filmed smoking on his CRACK PIPE by villains trying to sell the footage for a six-figure fee.
The Toronto Star newspaper reports that they were approached by a group of Somali men involved in the Canadian drug trade, who claimed to have footage of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, 43.
Reporters were allowed to view the clip three times and say it shows Mayor Ford sitting in a chair mumbling incoherently and inhaling what appears to be crack cocaine.
He also appears to call someone a “fag” and mutter “I’m f***ing right-wing”.

Friends in high places ... Mayor Rob Ford with Donald Trump
Two people from the paper have separately concluded that it is indeed Mayor Ford in the video, although it is impossible to determine for sure what is in the pipe he smokes from.
As further evidence the gang provided a picture of the mayor with 21-year-old Anthony Smith - a student who was killed in a gangland shooting and lived in the same neighbourhood as the crack dealers.
The Toronto Star refused to pay the fee and, although the gang are thought to have offered it to other sources, the footage has not appeared anywhere online.
Ford has previously been caught up in a string of high-profile controversies.
In 2006, while visibly intoxicated, he was thrown out of an ice hockey game for insulting a couple sitting behind him.
Later in the same year he argued AGAINST donating money towards AIDS research, saying: “If you are not doing needles and you are not gay, you wouldn’t get AIDS probably.”
He has also fallen foul of anti-racism campaigners when he said in 2008 that “Those Oriental people work like dogs. They sleep beside their machines. That’s why they’re successful in life. I’m telling you, the Oriental people, they’re slowly taking over.”
And in 2013 he was accused of inappropriately touching another mayoralty candidate, Sarah Thomson.
He also has a conviction for Driving Under the Influence and marijuana possession from 1999 — before he became mayor.

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