Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
While you may admire the fact that Ivy sticks by his beliefs, you have a very odd idea of what makes a man. A real man isn't disgusted by his fellow human beings, like Ivy is by homosexuals and transgenders.

That's like saying you being disgusted by rapists and child molesters don't make you a "real woman."

A real man doesn't think that women are should be submissive to their men.

While I think men and women each have their role, I've never said women should be "submissive" to men.

A real man doesn't lack compassion for their fellow human beings.

So, because I refused to play along with the charade of a transgendered man fighting as a woman in the UFC, I lack compassion?

And neither does a true Christian, one who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ - that we are all children of God and that we must love our fellow man. Jesus didn't say we get to pick and choose which of His creations we get to love.

I actually believe in all of this. But love doesn't trump obedience to God's laws. You're the one "picking and choosing" when you do that. You love the sinner, as you should, but you don't acknowledge the sin.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.