Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Well, I've never really given much thought to gay sex. But let's be honest, I think most men, if asked to picture it in their heads, would say that the idea kinda puts them off their lunch. But that doesn't mean that they're necessarily hateful or unaccepting of gays. And if you're truly objective, and not just paying lip service to some politically correct ideal, just flip it around. Go ask a gay man what he thinks when he pictures sex with a woman. You'll get the same response most of the time.

Now I worked in funeral service for 25 years. In Manhattan there are A LOT of gay men in that industry, and I got along well enough with most of them because there's the same percentage of assholes among gay men as among straight men. But you had to hear these guys talk about women. Their favorite expression was "cow." I've heard more than one gay man compare sex with an older woman to having sex with a cow (the younger ones didn't bother them as much for some reason lol).

I'm just saying, it works both ways and we're being way too PC here. I accept gay people. But I don't want to picture two gay men doing it any more than a gay man wants to picture himself having sex with a "cow."

+1 PB

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