Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I got to watch Sunday's episode last night. Don't know how Don & Ted working together will work out. Peggy doesn't seem to pleased with Don's influence on Ted does she? As far as Ted goes, I still haven't really figured him out. Don't know if he's a "good guy" or not.

Bob seems to have taken a liking to Joan and Joan seems bitchier by each episode. I think having a share in the company has gone to her head. And Pete is another cold hearted character that seems to only care about work. Tries to dump his mom on his brother. lol

And WTF is up with Don, controlling Sylvia in the hotel room? LOL "crawl on your knees" "stay in bed until I come back", "Don't answer the phone again." uhwhat

I have always liked how they incorporate news events of the time as a backdrop to their story (JFK/MLK assassination, the riots of 67 and earlier a Stones concert) and last night ending with RFK's assassination showing actual news footage. Though, I must say ending with the song "Reach Out In The Darkness" seemed out of place for that particular ending. Maybe it's just me.

All and all though, I gotta say, the show is losing my interest. ohwell


I am losing interest at times too. They made Don too creepy. I watch it day later to zip though the commercials, which are way too many. I like the new character, Chough, who was flying plane. I liked that plane scene.