Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: klydon1
It seems that so many posts in a few threads now keep repeating how disgusting the thought of gay sex is. It makes me wonder how often these people's minds are fixed on the images of men having sex with other men.

Anyway, these are the very people, who should be in favor of civil marriages for gays. Nothing kills the sex drive like a marriage certificate, so if you allow them to marry, your imaginaation may rid itself of gay fantasies, and focus on a bickering old couple.

Why even talk about the gay sex act when the issue is what people are calling gay marriages. Except to confuse or to make fun of people.
They aren't trying to pass laws to allow gay sex acts.

Now I noticed you used the term Civil Marriage in your post which is what it should be called.
People should stop making up a new sectors and just stop putting the spotlight on the Gay part.

Two people want to get together and live their lives together, so be it. Live and let live. Last I looked , no one was hunting down Gay people and hanging them in the streets....well not here in America anyway.

I referenced the act as it had been frequently referred as disgusting in some of the threads.

When I refer to civil marriage, I include hetero as well as homosexual marriage. I used the term civil merely to differentiate a religious marriage from a state sanctioned marriage, two entirely different entities. The former is viewed by believers as a union by God, the latter is a legal status created by government. I believe that in the civil or state sense, the union of marriage should be called the same thing , whether gay or straight, as the same rights, obligations and benefits should be the same. Calling the status different things just to placate the prejudices of some is unfair.

If someone has a problem with gay marriage, don't marry a gay.