Well for starters Tinos dead. His crew went to Borelli and Depiro. The biggest books in nj are phil danoias (devitas crew), and Johnny blue with Borelli. Ninny has Rocco Petrozza and Mike Cardito. Tony Palumbo has Carmy Cicalese, Lou Amendola and the masulo bros. The luccheses have Frank Legano and Frankie Paoloercio under Perno. The bonannos had Paul Mancusos package, but thats with Tony Palumbos book. Idk much about the Nj Gambinos outside of Mitas crew. Catnip and juicy are his main guys. Joe faffy is that crews main book. They are a more into lending. And the laborers. idk much about the Decavs. Scoops crew is Beeps Centoriono, Lou Fazzini, Joe Darchi, Dennis Christy and the Olivieri bros.

Idk if Gerard actually MADE $1m a wk... More like 1m a week in bets... Papers make that mistake because reporters are dumb and feds may not differentiate at a press release bc they like to be told theyre doung a good job. That crew was into a LOT... Sports was just one biz, they still own the biggest machine vending co in NJ. A lot of ppl think Tino was easily the biggest earner in Jersey but Andy G came a close second. His crew went to devita. Before gerard it was Pee Wee. Before him Tony Biordo. Before him it was his father the Boot..... Does that sound right ivy or hk? My heads a little fizzy today