Originally Posted By: ThePolakVet
A feeling here like there's some Ndragheta members on this forum.

To be honest, they maybe hold some influence in Europe with their cocaine trade, but there's a shitload of other groups as well out there. I can say for 100% that there's no cocaine from Ndragheta in the Baltic States and Poland. And they as well don't control shit here. There's already enough of Russian figures here ready to cut each other's throat for the smallest dispute.

Hopefully you're not referring to me. One, I've seen more of these dick-measuring contests than anyone and I can't stand "ethnic homers." Two, I'm neither Italian or Russian so I have no dog in the fight. Three, you'll notice I've largely refrained from getting involved in the current threads about "Who's the Most Powerful." Like I said, it isn't tennis rankings. Power can be measured in any number of ways. I'm simply saying that, if people are going to make comparisons, they need to have the right info to begin with.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.