Originally Posted By: BenSiegel
With all due respect HairyKnuckles. You are entitled to your opinion. Granted that, who are you to say that my pieces are garbage? Can you concretely say you are an authority regarding organized crime? How many books and pieces have you written? When were you published? How many books do you currently have in circulation?

Toodoped was nice enough to post a piece of mine on this site. And while my facts may have been derived from different sources, including Gosch's book, they in no way distort the base facts of the occurrences.

I'm not Hollywood. Where directors and producers take liberties with the story material provided, however, all of my posts are researched and documented.

It's easy for someone in your position to simply say someone's hard work is garbage.

Faithful1's criticism was, in simple terms, childish. Doesn't even qualify or can be considered 'constructive'. Perhaps you and him should attempt to look up the definition before making outlandish self-serving statements.

Next time, before you or Faithful1 attempt a 'constructive criticism' of any of my pieces, how about getting your own website and taking the hours to write your own pieces before you come at me again.

All the best.

BenSiegel @ MobbedUp.com

You want something that took many hours to write? Then read the article here:


To sum up, I don't always feel like driving over the same path repeatedly. The FBI considered "The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano" worthless and this documentation can be found in the Lucky Luciano FBI files. The New York Time's organized crime expert at the time also went over the book with a fine-toothed comb and found it to be worthless. But if you are interested in the most detailed analysis that will probably ever be done, with input from Dave Critchley and Tim Newark and Ellen Poulsen and others, read the article. It includes several pages of detailed endnotes. Everything is documented.

BTW, HarryKnuckles, thanks for the kind words.