Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Quick story: Last year around Christmas week I'm in a pub on MacDougal Street with both of my daughters. I had real estate business in the neighborhood, blah blah blah, and the kids wanted to meet me in the Village for a drink before they headed out for the night. So we're sitting there and there are these two nice girls from Jersey City who strike up a conversation with my kids. About a half hour later, two guys about their age, originally from Dayton (sorry, it could just have easily been Wisconsin, but it was really Dayton), start busting the chops of these two nice girls for living in Jersey City "like farmers." In Jersey fucking City, five minutes from the Holland Tunnel, all their lives, and these two assholes from Dayton fucking Ohio are calling them farmers?

Now I'm 53 years old, but I guess I had on my Scorsese face that night. Because I just sneered at these kids and said, You think they're farmers? I think you should apologize. They did, bought us all a drink, and got the fuck out of there lol.

lol lol lol lol lol

You know what's sad is that whenever you see something about Brooklyn in the news media these days, it's always something fruity like some retarded chick with tattoos that look like necrotizing fasciitis opening a cupcake shop or something. When I was younger, the image of Brooklyn in the popular imagination was of a tough, blue-collar neighborhood, but that has been totally replaced by the hipster thing. It's amazing how fast and how much Brooklyn's image has changed in just the past few years.