Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
It's not extreme to be against gay marriage. But to say it destroys society and civilization (along with immigration) is utter nonsense. If you're against gay marriage that's your deal, but I think you've clearly lived under a rock your entire life. Have you ever met a gay person or bothered to interact with one? They are perfectly nice people and you wanna know another thing? They're human just like you and I.

And most of the world who is against gay marriage is third world pal. Aka-the middle east, Africa, Latino countries. Again as olivant stated, you love expressing your personal feelings and emotions on this subject but have nothing to offer in terms of knowledge or fact.

I live in Philadelphia, a city with its own "gayborhood," not a rock. I've been around plenty of homosexuals, enough to not go out of my way to be around them. They are usually about everything I'm against for the most part. There are some OK ones though.

What is your beef with the third world? A million plus French men, women, and children hit the streets all over France to protest against gay marriage! I don't want to defend a society that allows something like gay marriage, I'm not willing to invade Iraq or Afghanistan because they don't have their own equivelent of the Folsom Street Fair. For those who don't know what that is, be prepared to read about one of the most degenerate events in the world.