Originally Posted By: Ivan

(By the way, any man over the age of, say, 23 who is renting a single room for $950 a month in a four bedroom apartment "with three other dudes" that he met on Craigslist just so he can be able to claim that he lives in Brooklyn is a retard.)

Completely agree. I know at least 10 people who fall in this category and they think they know NY like the back of their hand cause they went around a few touristy parts, took some pics and uploaded them to instagram, showed some of their other friends around "the new BK" while simultaneously uploading pics to facebook,instagram,and twitter. Seeing this shit honestly makes me very angry, as a native New Yorker.

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

And if you're over 23 living in that situation AND you own a fucking skateboard, do us all a favor and just kill yourself right now. You are not going to contribute anything to society, ever, so please, just jump.

Ive also seen the ones in suits and skateboards. Everybody is looking at them like WTF, and wondering if they are going to crash/fall.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.