He Destroyed Cuba's Tobbaco and Sugar (Their Main Exports).
Wrong. Their exports aren't destroyed. They just don't trade.

He's asociated with America's enemeys!
And America has associated with Cuba's enemies.

They aren't allowed to speak their mind. They can't rebel in fear of dying!
No shit they can't speak their mind, it's called communism! They fear of death? If it's so bad, wouldn't they die anyway, with or without fighting?

You think that that book is entirely truthful? You take something someone says like it's the gospel! The same thing happened after you saw Fahrenheit.
This is the 3rd time you've said that against me and this is the 3rd time I'm telling you: I KNOW that Fahrenheit 9/11 had lies in it. Get that through your thick skull.

Maybe I'm not the smartest man
Atleast you admit it. -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur