Originally posted by Mr. Baggins:
[quote]Originally posted by Patrick:
..and poverty has DECREASED under Castro.
Where have you gotten that idea? Just wondering because I looked up economic data on Cuba and the poverty level was unknown.

At any rate, I can't believe that anyone here is defending Castro. If he is such a great guy, why do thousands of Cubans flee each year? Castro has imprisoned, tortured, and murdered thousands of his own people over the years. Disagreement with the government is simply not tolerated. I find it despicable that people would be willing to defend a man that has oppressed his own people for 40 years.
[/quote]A Republican talking about something he hasn't researched and knows nothing about. :rolleyes: Who would've thought? :rolleyes: Why do Cubans flee each year? Because they're the ones that DO have it bad, but DON'T rebel because there are too many people who still LOVE Castro for what he has done. Disagreement with the government isn't tolerated? Wow, you know, it's usually not if a country is communist. :rolleyes: Oppressed his own people?! He freed them from Batista, who is 50 times more worse then Castro himself! -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur