Originally posted by Patrick:
Actually read this before you bash me. :p :rolleyes:

Fidel Castro: Bad guy or a guy who tried to make things better for a country in need? While most people obviously know now that Communism doesn't work, we have to remember that when Castro was taking over Cuba, Communism was just starting. Countries were 'testing' it out. People didn't know if it'd work or fail.

I don't believe that Fidel Castro should be considered a horrible dictator, but I certainly don't think he should be considered a hero or idol. Castro overthrew a cruel dictatorship and has educated most of the people in Cuba. An article I read today also said that prositution is now very rare and that most of the prostitutes have been educated.

I can understand why many Cubans in America hate him because their relatives are still in Cuba. We have to remember that Castro sent over 100,000 Cubans to America in 1980, so not only did this enable some Cubans already in America to reunite with their families, but Castro also sent the criminals over, so he also decreased the crime level in Cuba by doing that. -Pat
Have you seen Havana cica 1958. Now look at it in 2004. Communisim wasn't "just starting" in 1960. Communisim started when Marx met Engle in the 1840's and they wrote, The Communist Manifesto. The Soviet Union had already become Communists when Lenin and the Bolsheviks pulled the rug from under Czar Nicholous II in 1917. I'd of thought you'd of known this. In the 1950's, I belive Mao Tse Tung took China and made it "The Peoples Republic Of China". Communisim wasn't just starting out. It had been tryed many times.

Communisim works like this. Revolution, folwed by a temporary leader, who them must conside his power to the people so that one and all are equal. The problem is is that no leader would ever let go of theat power. Commuinisim had also failed MANY TIMES!

Fidel Castro over threw Fulencio Bautista, a man that assosiated with the Mafia but had brought so muich American dollars into Cuba. Then, of course, Castro took over and closed gambling and was embargoed and so he has destroyed Cuba's economic prosperaty of the '40's and '50's.

In the early 1960's Castro killed thousands of his fucking enemies! He forced so many people to come to America as refuges.

Castro never gave a shit about people reuniting with their families. He sent them here as cover for those criminals which came to Miami (A there where quite a few cases like that in the '80's here in Miami).

You don't think he's a horrible dictator? Destroyed Cuba's ecoonomy, killed his enemies, constantly attacks America, killed everyone who invaded Cuba during the Bay Of Pigs. No. He's not that bad.

I'm insulted by this thought Patrick.

Why don't you go to hell! Or beter yet, go to Cuba. It's tthe same goddamn thing! You'll never understand how horrible a man he really is!

Madness! Madness!
- Major Clipton
The Bridge On The River Kwai

GOLD - GOLD - GOLD - GOLD. Bright and Yellow, Hard and Cold, Molten, Graven, Hammered, Rolled, Hard to Get and Light to Hold; Stolen, Borrowed, Squandered - Doled.
- Greed

Nothing Is Written
Lawrence Of Arabia