I have ZERO sympathy for the right-wing's current problems with the fundamentalists.

They had no problems being with those crazy assholes for decades because of the endless millions of dollars they raised for campaigns and votes recruited/cultured. Now they're a fucking liability, and they're stuck on the same boat with them. They won't let that issue go, and you need their money/votes so what will they do going forward? How will they take that now old and lame former prized stallion out back and Lenny/OF MICE & MEN it?

Off-topic but you all know Pete Wilson? Former Governor/Senator for California, recently said if his Republican Party found a way to let the party base fringe scuttle the upcoming Immigration Reform bill, he could actually envision a future where the GOP in national elections could only draw single-digit % Latino support like they do currently with black voters.

I have trouble seeing that same future. Then again, the Whigs never thought they would go extinct either.