Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
here is a great article that i came across addressing some of the many gun control issues, as well as the reasons why honest discussions are difficult. now even though its on the pro-gun side, unlike the hit piece posted by pizzaboy the author of this article actually backs up his reasoning with facts and sources, not purely emotion, personal attacks, and outdated silly sterotypes. its a long read, but worth imo no matter which side of the debate you are on...


Why do you keep addressing me on this issue? You don't agree with the article, fine. Who gives a fuck? I didn't agree with it a hundred percent either. But you're just as bad as the fucking lefties when people don't agree with you. You go right into attack mode.

Re the article you posted: He makes some nice points. But he goes on a diatribe about why gun owners don't trust anti-gun people. So let me ask you this: Where does that put me? I mean, I own guns, two handguns and a hunting rifle. I've been licensed in both New York and Florida for almost as long as you've been alive. But just because I'm willing to listen to the argument for background check proposals and I think it's silly for a guy living in Scarsdale to own a military type weapon (notice I was careful not to label it an assault weapon), you automatically throw me into the column with the peaceniks and '60s leftovers.

Well, I'm not of that mind, son. I never have been. But again, your problem is that you're no more open to an honest discussion than that idiot Senator from California. Being that I'm not "all in" on the issue, you've taken the position that "if he ain't with us a hundred percent, he's against us." But that's what I get for being a political centrist. I get it from both sides.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.