Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

If you didn't find the pictures of those kids posing with guns disturbing, then I don't know what to tell you. Agree to disagree and all that.

First just want to say i'm a gun guy and though not a member of the NRA i do support most (85% - 90%) of their policies.

I have to admit when i first saw those photo's of the kids i couldn't believe it. What genius thought of NRA Kids day? Especially now with all the heat from the school killings. Not too smart in my opinion.

Not sure if it matters to anyone but those weapons the kids are holding i'm almost positive are all air guns not firearms. Only one i'm not sure about is the chubby kid with the assault rifle.

On another subject, the repubs want hearings on the bullet sales to Homeland Security. They are openly accusing Obama of trying to make ammo impossible to buy. Seems like every day they are ordering more millions of rounds. More then the army orders per soldier.

I know Dapper Don said thats the typical way the gov makes purchases and he might be completely right, but there are many who say these orders are far from normal. Stay tuned, hopefully we'll soon learn whats going on.