Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
people keep all kinds of valuable things at home. cash, jewelry, coins, art, cars, kids ect. most of the low-level home invasions tend to involve drug addicts looking to steal something that they can turn into quick cash, or just the cash itself. its no surprise that somebody like this might be a bit unstable.

the modern drug cartels have evolved much more into true organzized crime, with organized being the key word. these groups have become much more diversified by looking to supplement their income with other activities, and home invasion/burgluries are a great way to make money. kidnapping for ransom has also become big business for them on both sides of the border, with phoenix arizona being a prime example of this.

Do you think it is fair to say that gun deaths are a random and rare incident, but kidnapping for instance is not? And how would you protect your kid from being kidnapped with a gun in the first place? Do you watch them 24/7 with a rifle? That's unrealistic to think that you are always at home and guns would stop burglary. Here, burglaries happen when no one is at home. I suppose that's the universal logic that someone who has decided to rob a house would wait for a moment when no one is around.

And for places like Arizona, perhaps different sets of rules might put people back in advantage.

I think this extreme left and right sides on this issue would work to your disadvantage in the long run. These shootings, has swayed the public opinion in favor of background checks, whether it has a huge impact except making waiting periods longer or not. Do you think public opinion wouldn't go any further when the next massacre happens? Why not work together and come to a compromise that actually works?

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones