Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
But as for home invasions in the US, you invade homes and then get what? Who keeps anything of value at their home? If someone breaks into a house is usually for rape. Drug cartel would have no interest to invade a house.

people keep all kinds of valuable things at home. cash, jewelry, coins, art, cars, kids ect. most of the low-level home invasions tend to involve drug addicts looking to steal something that they can turn into quick cash, or just the cash itself. its no surprise that somebody like this might be a bit unstable.

the modern drug cartels have evolved much more into true organzized crime, with organized being the key word. these groups have become much more diversified by looking to supplement their income with other activities, and home invasion/burgluries are a great way to make money. kidnapping for ransom has also become big business for them on both sides of the border, with phoenix arizona being a prime example of this.

Last edited by Five_Felonies; 05/05/13 04:35 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!