Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
So why don't you challenge that injustice and bring that up to a judge of your choice? You could in fact go all the way to the supreme court and might get your way yet. I've not seen a logical argument as to why not polygamy indeed.

Even though they actually did have Constitutional protection on the issue, the polygamists (well most of them anyway) submitted to the will of the nation on the issue. Like gays, who don't have Constitutional protection on the issue, should now. Or at least be content to leave it up to the states.

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmoe
My basic point is that people used religion and god to commit atrocities since man invented it. You can't deny that. However extreme feminism and liberalism is also a bad thing. I see a balance here. If you push an agenda to the point where it affects the balance of the lives that we live it's not a good thing.

That's why I cannot stand the democratic machine of my home state, Elizabeth warren and Hollywood actors. But I also dislike evangelicals and conservative Christians who feel the need to ram their views down everyone's throat and it's that extreme faction of america that gives political conservatives and fiscal conservatives a bad name.

I agree with everything you said. Of course, on the gay marriage issue, you'll notice only one side is trying to ram their views down everyone's throat via the courts. Though very happy with DOMA, most on the other side would be fine with leaving it up to each state.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.