Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
The whole issue is whether they really have these so-called "rights." You may find this hard to believe but them having these "rights" is NOT a foregone conclusion, no matter how much you think so. There's nothing in the Constitution to support such a claim and so it's up to each state to decide for itself. Just like the abortion matter should have been. The issue should be left up to the people. Not to activist judges who go beyond the role and twist the Constitution in order to make laws. Especially when it's an issue about gay marriage and the judge is gay. This is the problem with you liberals. You attribute to yourselves or others certain "rights," and anyone who disagrees with you is denying you these "rights;" and since public opinion is often against you, you ram your agenda through the courts.

If you get to marry the way you want, they get to marry the way they want. It might not be a foregone conclusion for you yet, but it's an apparent infringement of homosexual individual rights. And courts provide checks and balances on tyranny of the majority. They are not by any means beyond their roles. It's their role to stand up to tyrannical majorities and uphold the right of minorities.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones