I'm atheist but because of my mother and about 75% of my family i feel inclined to defend religion. - Yet the Catholic hierachy (and their traditionalist followes) spends massive amount of energy and talk against Gay Rights initiatives or rooting out heretical priests and nuns, as the Pope is doing now with some American nuns. Just imagine if they spent just an inch of all that effort into actually rooting these vile, evil people from their ranks instead of abetting and covering these assholes up? - If i'm mixing everything up please tell me but does the Catholic Church not spend alot more time and influence on sexual abuse cases than gay rights issues at least in the last 6-7 years? As well as the fact that Priests should adress the Child Abuse atrocities more than the gay rights issues. You could say the same about certain Liberals caring more about the Doma act and Gun Control legislation than the Economic acts Obama has implemented. I'll probably not be able to answer for the next 10 days so if i've said anything wrong i a[poligize in advance.