Originally Posted By: fathersson
Your little rants just prove that you haven't read or understood any posts in this thread or the people making them.
You need to open your mind and go back and read older posts which will answer all your misguided rants. That is if you can read others answers that are not matching yours.
I now understand you know very little on this subject and just enjoy throwing out crap instead of understand the real problems here. Never a real answer for anything, just calls for this and that.
Your bring up the SAME things that have already been adress and answer here at least once maybe twice already. Then chessey remarks about our fears and stuff... uhwhat

oh yeah, that first part..."your sure" yeah.. Your sure about nothing! cool
You must think everything was/is about you...you must have seen yourself in my statements about the Boston bombers some how. I wonder why? No... I am joking- I really don't care! smile

blush peace to you! It is a wonderful day outside and I am off to the range!

Do you wonder why really? I know your style by now, you make it about the person who debates rather than the issue at hand. You might have asked how we do it over here, as you did in the DOMA thread, but this time it doesn't suit you, so you word your argument with an added insult. If you didn't mean it toward me, why use, "you" and "your screwed up family?" Too transparent for me, I'm afraid.

As for the rest, I see no argument there. Still waiting on why you are so against a background check.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones