This is some sick stuff! This week the media has been chalk full of pro homosexual lobbying, starting with big hoopla about the basketball player Jason Collins "coming out." We are a sick country when our President is taking time out of his hectic to give a "shout out" to Collins. I mean isn't there more important things the Prez should be worried about? The average American is pathetic, there has been almost zero outrage against the passing of gay marriages in these states, while the so called atheistic and liberal French put a million plus souls on the street to protest against the legalization of gay marriage. These pro human right liberals are no better than Bush and his plan to bring Democracy to the Middle East, they both want to push their way of life on the normal majority. Now I can see why people hate us, we aint looking out for the best of humanity, but the whims of a small minority. This is the dog shit were projecting on the rest of the world through the absurdity of "human rights."

I was talking to a couple of black guys this week, and they couldn't believe the media (mostly White, Jewish, and liberal) were comparing Jason Collins to Jackie Robinson. Most blacks don't support gay marriage by the way, it is a shame to see them being hoodwinked by Americas so called first Black President, who has almost nothing in common with the average black American.